Friday, October 14, 2011

Luke 9:29

"And as he was toward-good-having, the perception of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and out-gleam-flinging."  The reality stayed the same, but the perception of his face changed as Jesus was having (or holding) himself and his learners toward the good.  And then his clothing, his outward appearance, became very the perception. One of the fascinating aspects of reading the Etymological New Testament is noting connections between words.  The star that led the Magi to Jesus in Matthew 2 is ultra literally a "gleamer".  Jesus' early life begins with the gleaming leading the wise to teem toward him.  Now, Jesus' outward perception becomes "out-gleam-flinging".  One three-part word in Greek and thus hyphenated in the ENT.  Jesus is radiating star light, here, on the mount!  Just as the gleaming led the Magi years ago, so the gleaming shows his learners whom they are learning from.

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