Sunday, February 12, 2012

John 1:33

"And I had not perceived him: but the one who sent me to dip in water, the same said unto me, Upon whomsoever thou shalt perceive the Wind down-stepping, and abiding upon him, the same is he who is dipping in Holy Wind."

John had not perceived Jesus, not really.  But just as surely as John knew his 'sending' to dip in water, so he knew that he would see one upon whom the Wind would descend or, ultra-literally, "down-step" as in the Etymological New Testament.  Like John, we must be open and sensitive to the wind, its motions and swirling patterns.  More importantly, whereas John's ministry of dipping in water was a transient thing, this being dipped in Holy Wind is "abiding."   So, the wind helps us to know.  And, it is that in which we are plunged.

And when these things happen, we will perceive Jesus.

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