Saturday, September 17, 2011

John 1:32

In the Etymological New Testament, this verse contains John's exclamation: "I beheld the Wind descending as a dove out of upward-vision". There are a couple of notable differences with conventional literal translations. First, it is the Wind that he sees descending. PNEUMA is usually "Spirit" in most versions. Occasionally, as the KJV in John 3, it is translated ultra literally as "wind". But the ENT always uses "wind" to indicate the literal etymology of the Greek word. Similarly, most New Testaments have "heaven" as the source of the dove-like descent. The Etymological New Testament translates ultra literally as "upward-vision". The hyphen makes it clear that this is one word in Greek, but with two parts. One part is the literal word for "up", while the other means "to see". Thus, some fun insight into the Spirit as well as Heaven! We too can began to feel and see this Wind from Upward Vision...

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